About Me

My Love for Reading
I fell in love with reading when I was very young. I advanced quickly, reading books that were far above those meant for my age. I was voracious—it was said that I devoured books rather than read them—completely engrossing myself in the wonderful and fantastical worlds I found between the pages.
Books by C.S. Lewis and Enid Blyton were sped through as if I were starving for more, and I suppose that has never changed about me. I love to fully immerse myself in stories and let myself see the world from someone else’s perspective for a while, in worlds where magick, dragons, werewolves, and, of course, vampires were brought to life.
The Stories That Shaped Me
As I grew older, my passion for reading only deepened. I found solace in the works of authors like:
- Stephen King
- Christopher Paolini
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Philip Pullman
- Raymond E. Feist
- Kim Harrison
- L.J. Smith
Their characters, their worlds, and their stories captured me, shaping not only my love for fiction but my identity as a writer.
The Birth of Memoirs
Eventually, and perhaps as to be expected, in my teenage years, I started to experiment by writing my own stories—some short, some long— but all fantastical, shrouded in the captivating world of creatures, magick, and monsters. That was where the Memoirs series was first born.
The books that defined my entire teenage years, and following through to my twenties, were the characters that made me feel like they were writing me, instead of the other way around. These characters begged to tell their story, and although sometimes they went silent and bided their time until perhaps I was ready, they remained, waiting.
Bringing It to Life
Eventually, I met my now partner, who has a Master’s degree in Creative Writing. I dared to share my stories with her, unlocking the world that had been dormant for many years at that point. She found my characters, found their stories, and insisted that I finish. She saw that they needed their story to be told, too. With her encouragement, support, and fantastic editing skills, all three books were finally completed.
A Promise to My Readers
So that is where we are now: book one and book two are both available for sale, while book three is still in editing for the self-publication process. But it is completed.
I promise I will not do a George R.R. Martin on you.
Thank you for visiting my page. I really do appreciate your support, and if you decide to buy one of my books, I hope you enjoy losing yourself in the same world I lived in for over two decades.